Someday (Live) | LP |

Someday (Live)

Testo Someday (Live)

Some say when hearts race there's no saving grace
Though cruel fate I'll just wait cus' nothing can sway

Someday maybe they'll change you, change you
But don't let don't let em lead you, lead you astray
Stay young
Stay young
Cause someday they'll try to break, you break you

But baby I won't let em take you, take you away

We might pace and time chase, but there lies a place
Where all hopes and all saints collide face to face

Someday maybe they'll change you, change you
But don't let don't let em lead you, lead you astray
Stay young
Stay young
Cause someday they'll try to break, you break you
But baby I won't let em take you, take you away

Only the ghost can make you older
Under the ropes before it's over
Someday maybe they'll change you, change you
But don't let don't let em lead you, lead you astray
Stay young
Make Love
Cause someday they'll try to break, you break you
But baby I won't let em take you, take you away

Someday maybe they'll change you, change you
But don't let don't let em lead you, lead you astray
Stay young
Someday they'll try to break, you break you
But baby I won't let em take you, take you away

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